Creating classroom-blogs

A classroom-blog can be very useful in many ways of flexible learning. Here you can as a teacher build a digital learning environment in a structured and orderly manner. The structure and clarity is especially good for students with ADHD and ASD. On the blog, you can eg publish student assignments and instructions, share files and documents, post photos and graphic illustrations. The blog is also a great place to embed the lessons that you have recorded as audio files, instructional videos, YouTube clips and other material that the student can watch and listen to again and again, anytime.

Creating a class/student calendar and publish it on the blog will help the students to keep track of things. Other advantages of using classroom-blog is that content becomes more accessible for people with reading and writing difficulties as computer or tablet’s built-in speech synthesis and other digital devices can be used.

For the student a blog can develop and inspire the writing, reading and learning. It also creates a community in the class extending outside the classroom and school walls. The blog can allow them to produce texts, films and illustrations around the areas of interest that are close to them. It provides space for student participation and give them the opportunity to participate and influence their own learning.